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Students pose for a photo at Welcome Week

Multicultural Center

Discover Our Spaces


We invite you to visit our new Multicultural Center. Learn to embrace your intersecting identities and to become a champion for antiracism, equity, and justice. The Multicultural Center is a place of belonging. A place for support. A space for you

  • Meet Our Counselor

    Jessica Jackson  is a licensed therapist located within the Multicultural Center.

    Learn More
  • Involvement

    Join one of our cultural student organizations and attend our events.

    Join a Community
  • Education Resources

    Get access to resources to help you along your journey.

    Explore Resources
Students dancing.
Students socialize in the Multicultural Center
A party is held in a tent outside the Multicultural Center
Students pose for a photo
Two students holding flags pose for a photo.
A speaker stands on a stage surrounded by a crowd.


Multicultural Center Summer Hours

The Multicultural Center’s summer hours of operation will start on Monday, May 13.

Monday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Questions? Ideas?

If you want to get involved with the Multicultural Center or have any questions or ideas you'd like to share, let us know!

Contact Us